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Weather Station Information

The weather station uses the Oregon Scientific WMR968 Wireless Weather Station. This complete weather station comes equipped with outdoor sensors that operate on solar power, which provides easy installation. Data is wireless transmitted from the sensors to the display console which means no messy cable installations. This station also has seven channels and accepts up to three additional sensors.


The weather sensors are mounted on a roof mast to provide maximum exposure  for the temperature and humidity sensors from ambient heat sources such and as building walls. The temperature sensor is enclosed in a RM Young Model 41003P Gill Multi-Plate Radiation Shield to prevent direct sun exposure from dramatically influencing temperature readings.
Sensor enclosed in radiation shield with wireless transmitter and solar cell.
Bottom of the radiation shield showing the sensor cable entering the radiation shield and the temperature nd humidity sensors and leading out to the wireless transmitter.

The station sensors are on a six foot mast mounted at the peak of the roof facing south towards Boulder Creek approximately a mile away as the crow flies. The roof mount is expected to minimize heat bias coming from the roof shingles for the temperature and humidity sensors. There is some wind bias directly west of the anemometer from three tall Douglas Fir trees which are approximately 30 to 40 feet away. Not ideal but better than being totally surrounded by redwood trees. The rain bucket gauge

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Revised: 29 Mar 2008 09:53 -0800 GMT (Pacific)